This Holocaust Memorial Day, we need to stand together against antisemitism

By Elizabeth Arif-Fear, Trustee Every year, on 27th January, the world commemorates Holocaust Memorial Day. Remembering the horrors of the past is essential in order to ensure to stop such tragic events from repeating themselves. This date is particularly poignant as it marks the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, where at least 1.1 people were murdered. Throughout the Holocaust, Jews, Roma, members of the LGBT+ community, political prisoners, disabled individuals Read more

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Growing antisemitism and anti-Muslim hate in Europe is a wake up call

Last Sunday, on the 5th of October 2020, a young Jewish student coming out of a synagogue in Hamburg was attacked by a man wearing army fatigues. He was carrying a shovel with him, which was used in the antisemitic attack. This came less than a year from another antisemitic attack in the eastern city of Halle. The perpetrator in the latest attack was arrested and a piece of paper Read more

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The strange case of the ‘Holohoax’: How social media is providing a warm home to conspiracy theories

Jewish communities have, for as long as history has been recorded, faced a significant threat because of who they are. These threats have materialised in a number of ways, for example, through the use of conspiracy theories. Such theories are, but not limited to, Jews running the global financial markets, or controlling the media. The prevalence of such theories can be found on the world wide web, a place where Read more

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There is a New Wind of Change for Stronger Muslim and Jewish Relations

A wind of change is coming and it has been re-ignited by national and political alliances between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Whatever the dynamics behind the politics, the truth is that Muslims and Jews are in a better place by hands of peace being offered, rather than the dialogue of conflict and the force of arms. One of the most divisive elements between both faith communities has been Read more

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Appeals against conviction of Nazi camp guard dropped

All appeals against the conviction of a 93-year-old Nazi concentration camp guard have been dropped, a Hamburg court has said. The move makes the decision legally binding and paves the way for possible future prosecutions. Bruno Dey was convicted last month of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder in Hamburg state court – equal to the number of people believed to have been killed at Stutthof during his service there Read more

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Antisemitism Takes the Form of ‘Anti-Zionism’ Within Parts of Our Co-Religionists

The sad reality is that the ‘Israel and Palestine’ circular debate has caused serious strains in community relations between Muslims and Jews in the last three to four decades. Much of this intolerance found itself couched in antisemitism through antisemitic tropes by a small but vociferous number of co-religionists. That openly antisemitic discourse changed in the last decade as antisemitism was increasingly highlighted and called out online and it morphed Read more

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MAAS statement on Twitter’s failings to address perpetual antisemitic abuse

At Muslims Against Antisemitism (MAAS), we unequivocally condemn all forms of antisemitism and remain deeply shocked and disappointed by both the antisemitic abuse perpetuated by British rapper Wiley and the failure of Twitter authorities to adequately respond to the series of antisemitic and violent tweets sent over a recent 48 hour period, commencing on the 24th July 2020. Antisemitism is an increasing threat globally and we cannot and must not Read more

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On Saturday 27THNovember 2018, shortly after the Shabbat service started at 9.45am at Pittsburgh Tree Life Synagogue, led by Rabbi Jeffrey Hill, an individual with the sole aim of murdering as many Jews as possible defiled what should be a place of holy sanctuary, peace and joy by shooting dead 11 Jewish people. What happened in Pittsburgh was not an isolated incident.It pains us deeply to say it, but due Read more

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With a Rise in Antisemitism – Minority Groups Should Stand Together

There has been a 29% increase in hate crime since last year and over 700 anti-Semitic incidents recorded in the first 6 months of this year alone. There is a real need for minority groups to stand in solidarity with one another in these troubled times. With knowledge that positive content online lasts longer and propagates further, we will be developing and sharing content that showcases our positivity, our solidarity Read more

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When bad men combine, good men must organise

We cannot escape the frightening reality that hate is on the rise:  Hate crime is up by 29% on last year; far right political parties have gained a terrifying level of support across Europe and the crisis in the Labour party surrounding anti-Semitism has uncovered a dangerous level of mainstreamed, poorly challenged anti-Semitic thinking. In tandem with the rise in physical and political manifestations of hate we have also seen Read more

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