The Jewish Chronicle has highlighted an article that makes for depressing reading. It states that,
“A majority of teachers in England do no not know when the Holocaust began and lack the knowledge to challenge myths about it, according to new research by University College London’s Centre for Holocaust Education.”
Worst still, most of the teachers could not tell when or where the Holocaust began and had little idea about the proportions of the German population that were Jewish.
The survey also found that about one in five of those with recent teaching experience on the Holocaust had had no specialist training.
These findings are worrying because such issues could lead to errors in basic information being provided to students that takes away from the experiences of Holocaust survivors and from the full scale impact of the horrors of this modern day genocide.
Furthermore, we are seeing a form of Holocaust revisionism taking place online and the last thing that is needed, is that any errors add to the revisionism that is being pushed by antisemites.
Commenting on this, Ghanem Nuseibeh – the Chair of Muslims Against Antisemitism – said:
“These findings from the (UCL) Centre for Holocaust Education are deeply troubling. They demonstrate the fact that people need consistent training and ongoing support in providing accurate and empathic materials about the plight of Jewish communities in the Holocaust. It is clear that where there are gaps, people try to improvise and this is where errors can come in and where Holocaust revisionists can attempt to use others to legitimise their antisemitism”.